She is noted for her beauty and intelligence but is also well known for her sharp tongue and cold personality which only Caim is spared from. She was redeemed (purchased so that she did not have to work as a prostitute) by Caim and as a result became totally devoted to him. Eris Floralia Voiced by: Kiyomi Shinomiya (video game), Yuu Asakawa (Drama CD, PS Vita) The only female doctor in Prison who lives and works in the prostitute area.

She is found to have the wing disease, although her wings are markedly different from the others it is quickly revealed that Tia is a special winged case and may possess supernatural powers. An orphan for as long as she could remember, Tia grew up under harsh conditions, having worked as a slave for a noble family before being sold to the Golden Chains in 'Prison' as a prostitute. Eustia (or Tia as she is usually called) is found by Caim as the only survivor of a grisly murder scene. Characters Main Heroines Eustia Astraea Voiced by: Shiho Moriho (video game), Yoshino Nanjo (Drama CD, PS Vita) The title character. As he searches for the meaning to his cruel, difficult life, he will discover the deepest and darkest secrets of Novus Aither. His encounter with Eustia will take him on a journey which will involve him with the most influential bodies of the city, including the Church and the royal government. During one request, Caim finds Eustia, a winged girl who emits the pale purple light characteristic of the 'Gran Forte' incident years ago. In this 'Prison' resides Caim Astraea, a freelance ex-assassin who does odd jobs for his friend, the head of 'The Noncorroding Gold Chains', for money. Accordingly, the alternate reading is 'Eustia of Passion', which is an allusion to events within the game. However, aiyoku is a homonym in Japanese, and also means 'worldly passion' or 'lust' (愛欲). The title is a play on words: the actual Kanji used are ai (穢, dirty) and yoku (翼, wing), rendering the primary meaning of 'Eustia of the Tarnished Wings'.